Security information
Here you will find helpful links to security-relevant sources.
All information open in a new tab or window.
- Information on recognising counterfeit money
- TIGER-KIDNAPPING: Advice on prevention [pdf]
- RIP-DEAL Information from the police forces of D/A/CH [pdf]
- Information from the NRW State Office of Criminal Investigation on flash burglaries [pdf]
- Decree of the NRW Ministry of the Interior on police emergency calls [pdf]
- Information on security-conscious handling of non-cash means of payment for traders and cashier staff [pdf]
- Risk detection systems in connection with fog machines [pdf]
- Information for retailers: Behaviour during cash transports [pdf]
- Bad business for burglars: Important tips for protection against burglary in commercial properties
- Security criteria for credit cards and further information
- [North Rhine-Westphalia] Orientation guide „See and be seen“
- [Lower Saxony] Guidance on video surveillance by non-public bodies
- General Decree on the Appointment of Money Laundering Officers (Cologne District Government) [pdf]
- Information for jewellery customers [pdf]
- Information sheet for jewellers [pdf]
- Money Laundering Act – AMLA (GWG)
- Deloitte: Money laundering prevention among goods traders – Results of a qualitative study [pdf]
- Market internal: Checklist money laundering [pdf]
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